Hey Parents,
This week’s Parent SKILLZ post includes a worksheet to help you build a stronger CONNECTION with your child!
Download the worksheet here: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/90ef38_ee28bc0f3c3c49b9a6df16d0aa66c2e3.pdf
On the worksheet, I challenge you to build CONNECTION with your child through the following activities:
Activity 1: Tag
Activity 2: Art
Activity 3: Hide-and-seek
Activity 4: Tickle time or Wrestling
Activity 5: Karate
Activity 6: Rock Concert
Activity 7: Dance off
The goal is to complete one activity per day and initial each activity on the worksheet to verify its complete. Post a picture of the completed worksheet (or turn it in at 540 MA front desk) for a chance to win some class discounts! (You may substitute any of the above activity with a game of your choosing)
Have fun while building Parent SKILLZ 1: CONNECTION!